Top 10 Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts - Welcome to Drimz Media Blog | A Smart Choice for News & Lifestyle Online

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts have been known for 4000 years, and are not actually a nut but a small tuber, which is high in fiber, proteins and natural sugars.  

Until recently, no one really knew much about the potential health benefits of this ancient food. Tiger nuts are very healthy, they can help to prevent heart attacks, thrombosis and activate blood circulation. Due to the high contents of soluble glucose they can also help prevent cancer and lately some investigators discovered that they can help reduce the risk of suffering colon cancer. The very high fiber content combined with a delicious taste, make them ideal for healthy eating. 

Here's the list of top 10 proven reasons why tiger nuts are a superfood: 

1. Tiger nuts’ high content in fiber keeps your whole body healthy 

Tiger nuts have been shown to be high in dietary fiber. This fiber content is higher than other often suggested sources of fiber, such as oat bran, rice bran, peaches, cabbage, pears, apple, carrots, jack beans and chia seeds. Fiber helps your body by providing simple relief and prevention of constipation and also keeps you fuller, longer, aiding in weight loss and weight maintenance. It also names fiber as a great way to lower cholesterol. 

2. Tiger nut milk (also known as Horchata de Chufas) is a great substitute for cow’s milk 

Individuals struggling with lactose intolerance might want to look into drinking tiger nut milk instead. Tiger nuts do not contain lactose, meaning people with lactose intolerance can also eat or drink the milk from this ground nut. It is also high in calcium which is a bone building and growth supporting mineral. 

3. Tiger nuts are a solid source of magnesium 

Magnesium keeps our whole body ticking. Magnesium is integral in normal body function, involving more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium helps promote normal muscle and nerve function, keep the heart beat steady, support our immune functions that keep us from getting sick, regulate blood sugar, strengthen bones, keep blood pressure at healthy levels, and help us process protein. 

4. Tiger nuts can help control your blood pressure 

Tiger nuts are high in amino acids with arginine that is the most plentiful. Arginine has been shown to aid in conditions that are caused or made worse by restricted blood vessels, such as chest pain, clogged arteries, heart failure or disease, erectile dysfunction, muscle cramps, artery diseases not affecting the heart or the brain (peripheral vascular disease) and headaches induced by swollen blood vessels. 

5. Tiger nuts may help protect you from cancer and cardiovascular disease 

Tiger nuts are rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E actually is a catch-all reference to a group of fat-soluble compounds with distinctive antioxidant qualities. Antioxidants help the body protect itself from free radicals, molecules that have an unshared electron. The unshared electron can react with oxygen to form reactive oxygen species, which are damaging to our bodies. Vitamin E protects us by inhibiting the creation of these reactive oxygen species. Vitamin E combined with high levels of oleic acid, two components of tiger nuts, has also been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 

6. Tiger nuts give you a potassium boost 

Potassium is one of the minerals that contributes to proper cell and organ function, especially heart function. It also regulates muscle contractions, meaning it aids in digestive functions and has even been said to lower blood pressure. Potassium has also been shown to be integral in bone health. 

7. Tiger nuts are a good non-meat source of protein 

Protein is a crucial addition to anyone’s diet. It has a role in building bone, cartilage, muscle, blood and skin as well as functioning as a building block for enzymes, hormones and vitamins in our body. Protein also supplies us with energy to get us through the day. Protein also often goes hand-in-hand with iron, which, while important for everyone, is especially important for teenage girls and women during menstruation. 

8. Tiger nut milk can help control diabetes 

Dietary fiber found in the flour made from these tubers can also help diabetics stay healthy and regulate their blood sugar. Insoluble dietary fiber as an important tool in helping diabetics regulate their blood sugar. Fiber does not raise blood sugar levels (as opposed to other types of carbohydrates) because it cannot be digested.

9. Tiger nut rivals olive oil for “heart healthy” oils 

Most people know that olive oil and avocados are the “good fats”, but did you know that tiger nut oil falls into the same category? Like olive oil, tiger nuts contain the good fats that come from vegetables as opposed animal fats (such as butter and lard), which are high in cholesterol. The extracted oil from tiger nuts contains only 18% saturated fat and 82% unsaturated fat, closely following olive oil’s 14% saturated fat and 86% unsaturated fat.  

10. Tiger nuts can help fight malnutrition in under-developed nations 

Tiger nuts may be an important, locally grown food source for combating malnutrition in places like Africa. Tiger nuts are known to contain high levels of starch (295/kg) (more than potatoes and sweet potatoes), a high fat content (30%), good fiber content, be rich in calcium, chromium, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc, and have a high vitamin E and C content. Apart from all these beneficial ingredients, they also contain all the amino acids and some of the B-complex vitamins. They are suitable for diabetics and can be eaten raw, roasted or dried.


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